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Get Inspired

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

During this lockdown, I decided to ramp up my nutrition & fitness goals.

“Normal” life can get, or just feel overwhelmingly busy and looking ahead, disregarding the homeschooling, I felt that this lockdown was giving me time. Time to figure out what my goals were and why?

That “why” is really significant as it has proven to be more powerful than any willpower. Why you are doing something needs to feel to you more important than not doing it. It needs to be stronger than all of the excuses your brain can throw at you.

But how do you work out why you want to do something? We all have lots of reasons why. “I want to feel healthier / stronger / be thinner / get faster / feel confident” etc but often they are not enough.

Going into this lockdown I bought a book that had been in my online basket for a while and once I started reading I felt inspired! It made me want to learn more and it made me want to do more.

This inspiration helped me to find my why and also led me on to further sources of inspiration. When my motivation has felt low, or I’ve felt disheartened with my progress going back to these sources has helped enormously to reignite my focus and #trustintheprocess

Learning is an amazing motivational tool. The more you learn about your goals and the process of achieving them the less daunting they become. It’s easier to break it down & makes it doable.

So if you are beginning to think more about your health & fitness goals as we start to come out of this lockdown I highly recommend finding something related that inspires you, gives you excitement, makes you want to know more and gets you asking yourself questions.

If you are looking for help with your fitness & diet we offer a range of services to help. Check out our website & Facebook pages to find out more about #sianrickardpersonaltraining

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